When: Sept 12, 2019 7:30am – 4:45pm
Where: Region 12 Education Service Center, Waco TX
Cost: $50 (Lunch not included)
Event Details:
Address: 2101 West Loop 340 Waco, TX 76712
Email: hmckinney@advocacycntr.org
254-752-9330 ext. 106 for any questions.
WORKSHOP 1 (8:15 AM -9:15 AM)
Ending Child Sexual Exploitation in Texas: Progress, What we are Learning So Far, and Hope
Speaker: Andrea Sparks- Director Child Sex Trafficking Team Office of Governor Greg Abbott
The session will provide an overview of the Governor’s Child Sex Trafficking Team and its work to protect, recognize, recover, restore and bring justice for child and youth victims of sexual exploitation. Participants will also learn about the progress being made under each of these high level goals by CSTT and stakeholders and lessons learned so far in the work. The session will also share knowledge gained from relevant research, screening tools and new partnerships.
A Space for Love: Attunement, Alignment, and Empowerment
Speaker: Emily Mills- Founder and Chief Ideation officer of JSL/Lovely Enterprises
Creating safe spaces for victims of sexual trauma and sex exploitation is intentional work. Unfortunately best intentions do not always equal best practices. Emily Mills, founder and chief ideation officer of JSL/lovely enterprises has come face to face with this reality. In this session she will share her journey of working with survivors of sexual exploitation for the last 15 years and how they have determined the trajectory for Jesus Said Love. Utilizing components of attunement, alignment and empowerment, Emily will weave together story and data compelling us to create an individualized space for love for every survivor.
WORKSHOP 2 (9:25 AM -10:25 AM)
The State vs. Trey Allen Cartwright: Lessons Learned in a Complex Trafficking Investigation
Speaker: Jason Lundquist MCJ- Sgt. Waco Police Department Crimes Against Children Unit
In 2016 a brave victim came forward to report years of abuse by a family member. In this presentation, Sgt. Lundquist will discuss the complex investigation which resulted from that outcry. Additional unreported victims were discovered, three people were arrested for abusing children, and Trey Cartwright ultimately pleaded guilty to continuous sexual abuse of a young child.
LGBTQQIIAAPP+ 101 and Needs in the Community
Speaker: Dr. Beck A. Munsey Ph.D, NCC, LPC-S- Assistant Professor Department of Counseling Tarleton State University Fort Worth Campus
The presenter will go over vocabulary associated with this unique community, abbreviations, and development. Also, discussion on specific needs within the community will be explored and ideas on how to create safe spaces in different community settings. Discussion on how to become an ally for members of the LGBTQQIIAAPP+ community, which will include resources attendees can use for the future. Finally, the presenter will allow time for questions and consultation for those in attendance.
WORKSHOP 3 (10:35 AM -11:35 AM)
But, I love him...
Speaker: Kimberly Skidmore- Assistant Director of Forensic Services Dallas Advocacy Center
Interviewing children and teenagers who have been sexually victimized can in itself be challenging, but it can be especially challenging when the child/teen does not see themselves as a victim, but rather feels that they are in a loving relationship with the offender. The feelings they have can often create blocks to disclosure that can be difficult to overcome. Kim Skidmore will offer suggestions on how to ask questions in a way that can gather helpful investigative information without further complicating the emotional challenges the victim already faces and will include lecture, case study and video clips to assist in the learning process.
Ethics, Working with Families and Cultural Humility
Speaker: Wende Hilsenrod M.A.-Training Specialist Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
Agencies and professions have a code of ethical codes that are a pragmatic reflection of what constitutes excellence in a field. Every family has a distinct ethical code made up of that family’s moral and cultural beliefs. This code of ethic is called a moral code.
When professionals work with a family, knowing the family’s moral code is imperative. How we find out about their codes requires a skill set that is based in cultural humility. This sessions explores some ethical tools when working with families.
WORKSHOP 4 (1:05 PM -2:05 PM)
The State of Texas vs. Patricio Medina: A Case Study
Speaker: Gabrielle A. Massey- Assistant Attorney General Criminal Prosecutions Division
***This case study contains extremely graphic discussions of child sexual and physical abuse and contains highly sensitive material***
This case study will examine the process of this case from the first report of a 5 week old baby at her wellness checkup with over 40 bone fractures, at various stages of healing, through an extensive investigation with physical abuse charges being brought against the defendant, as well as additional information coming out through a jailhouse snitch, which finally resulted in the defendant being prosecuted to a jury for aggravated sexual assault of a child under the age of 6, two counts of injury to a child, and two counts of endangering a child.
Youth Matters: Exploring Trauma and Grief in Children and Teens
Speaker: Marisa B. Nowitz, MSW, LCSW-S- TAG Clinical Supervisor, City of Santa Fe Resiliency Center Community Training Coordinator Trauma and Grief (TAG) Center at Texas Children’s Hospital Department of Pediatrics | Section of Psychology
What do trauma and grief look like in children and adolescents? How does trauma affect a child’s developing brain? Do children and teens grieve in the same way as adults? This presentation will explore how to recognize and support traumatized and/or grieving youth. The discussion will also include an opportunity to explore the “cost of caring” (i.e. compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, etc.) and strategies to promote resilience for educators, advocacy professionals, law enforcement, and other mental health professionals.
WORKSHOP 5 (2:15 PM -3:15 PM)
I have an outcry! Now what? Multidisciplinary perspectives on child sexual assault
Speakers: Dr. Soo Battle- Medical Advisor & Pediatric Examiner ACCVC Jason Lundquist MCJ- Sgt. Waco Police Department Crimes Against Children Unit Kim Clark-DFPS Special Investigator
Disclosure in cases of child sexual abuse is often described as a process. It also involves multiple disciplines. This can cause anxiety as varied professionals have differing priorities and protocols. In this presentation Sgt. Jason Lundquist, Special Investigator Kim Clark and Dr. Soo Battle will talk about a hypothetical best case and how collaboration can yield successful case outcomes.
Understanding the Nature of Attachment in Children
Speakers: Dr. Daniel Williamson, Ph.D., LPCC-S (KY), LPC (TX), NCC, HS-BCP & Dr. Jennifer Nivin Williamson, Ph.D., LPCC-S (KY), LPC (TX), NCC, HS-BCP- CORE faculty Capella University & Co-Founders of PAX Consulting and Counseling
This session identifies what attachment is and how it affects personality development and relationships across the lifespan. This session will include; a basic understanding of attachment and its origins, how attachment is formed between children and their caregivers, what happens when attachments become distrustful or broken, and attachment-based therapeutic techniques for helping rebuild relationships.
WORKSHOP 6 (3:30 PM -4:30 PM)
Deeply Rooted: The Continuum of Violence & Exploitation
Speaker: Laramie Gorbett M.A. - Human Trafficking Specialist Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
This training will help participants explore the intersection of gender based violence and oppression in order to be more informed about the power and control techniques used by abusers. We examine how trauma effects survivors and access to services, and discuss how to integrate this knowledge into more survivor centered services.
This Little Light of Mine: Cultivating Resilience
Speaker: Brooke Davila LMSW, LCPAA – Methodist Children Home-Waco
Oprah’s segment on 60 Minutes catapulted the conversation on Trauma-Informed Care to main stream audiences. While we are becoming more aware of the impact of trauma, it is essential to acknowledge the hopefulness of resilience. In this session participants will explore the healing influence of resilience and cultivate awareness of resilience within themselves and others. Participants will be equipped with tangible, resilience building strategies which reduce the impacts of adverse experiences and promote healing.